
Order the Sales Sat Nav directly by SpringerGabler

This book shows media consultants the optimal sales process using a structured step-by-step guide: Using a sales navigator, it accompanies sellers from the media business through different roads and guides them from the start – the search for suitable customer potential – to the goal: closing the sale.
The author points out all the construction sites and detours, such as objections or tactical price negotiations, but also shortcuts, such as recognizing early buying signals. After all, the sales process always follows a clear structure, and knowing this structure, practicing the appropriate techniques, and applying them again and again can lead to noticeably more sales.
A compact and easy-to-read book, peppered with personal experience reports from sales and media professional Ricky McKenna, whose tips will help you achieve ambitious sales goals even in difficult economic times.
Table of contents
The Sales Sat Nav for Media Consultants

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