Motivated for cold calling – or still waiting for Godot?
And those who know the play know that it ends with further endless waiting.
And knows that the main theme is waiting for the fulfillment of a (self-)promise.
At the beginning of the year, fitness centers boom. New members come through the door and populate the premises for a month.
And then the motivation drops.
‘I’d rather go to the gym tomorrow. Today was long and I’d rather chill with my partner or go for a drink.’ The excuses eventually turn out to be more sporting than the will to do sport actually.
It is the same with cold calling. We know we have to pick up the phone and call leads. But fortunately, there is always a seemingly immensely important customer enquiry, a statistic to be prepared or some other highly welcome distraction from the actual important activity of warm or cold calling.
Do you still remember your last successful telephone calls when you made an appointment or the customer told you that he would take up your offer?
That was an inspiring situation, don’t you think?
What happens if, after a successful phone call, you immediately have another conversation? Provided you reach the person you want to talk to, it will probably also be positive, because you go into the conversation with an inspiring energy. You can also call this energy “happiness”. This positive thinking is given a big plus in the subconscious as an experience and in the subsequent successful conversation the confirmation comes with the thought “it was obvious that I got the appointment.”
The mindset determines the energy you put into achieving the desired result.
If you don’t believe that whatever you do will be successful, then you will act with low energy and the result corresponds to this low energy. And again, the subconscious gives an evaluation of the situation. This time it is a minus. The next time you make a phone call, the subconscious checks the previous experience, stumbles over the big minus and you think: “that’s probably not going to work.”
However, if you believe in success, you go into the conversation with much more energy. The conversation is much more dynamic and probably leads to a positive result. And that in turn strengthens your basic conviction with the thought: “it was clear that I would manage it.”
Think positively by simply changing your perspective. This could change your perspective from “this won’t work!” to “maybe I just need a new telephone guideline”. Acquisition – especially cold calling – requires a strong dose of discipline and regular implementation. Waiting just won’t help. Godot won’t come.